Hey, I'm Adam!

I'm a PhD Candidate in Human-Centered Computing at Georgia Tech. I work with Alex Endert as a member of the Visual Analytics Lab.

I design and develop interactive user interfaces that visualize complex data, helping people identify, understand, and reduce risks to make smarter, more informed decisions. My research is helping analysts, engineers, scientists, and everyday users:

  • investigate how large language models (LLMs) work 🤖
  • ensure AI is trustworthy in education 🎓
  • create scientist-guided spacecraft autonomy 🚀
  • conduct fieldwork during deep ocean expeditions 🌊
  • mitigate cognitive biases during data analysis 📊

I've collaborated with incredible designers, researchers, engineers, and scientists at Adobe Research, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), Caltech, Vanderbilt, Georgia State, Tufts, Emory, ArtCenter, and the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI).

Research Projects

DeepSee Multidimensional visualizations of seabed ecosystems. ACM CHI 2024 Project   Live demo   Paper   Talk   Slides   Demo video   Code
iScore Visual analytics for interpreting how language models automatically score summaries. ACM IUI 2024 Project   Paper   Slides   Poster   Demo video   Code
KnowledgeVIS Interpreting language models by comparing fill-in-the-blank prompts. IEEE TVCG 2023 Project   Live demo   Paper   Poster   Demo video   Code
Combining Integration and Visualization Preliminary guidelines for combining data integration and visual data analysis. IEEE TVCG 2023 Project   Paper   Study video   Data
ReRank A visual analytics tool for scientists to directly demonstrate autonomous science target selection. NASA JPL internship project 2023 Project   Slides
Lumos Increasing awareness of analytic behaviors during visual data analysis. IEEE VIS 2021 Project   Paper   Talk   Slides   Poster   Code
Left, Right, and Gender Exploring interaction traces to mitigate human biases. IEEE VIS 2021 Project   Paper   Talk   Data
Bias-Aware Visual Analytics Toward a bias-aware future for mixed-initiative visual analytics. IEEE VIS 2020 Project   Paper   Talk


Georgia Institute of Technology Graduate Research Assistant  |  Visual Analytics Lab Atlanta, GA • 2020 - Present Advisor: Alex Endert
Adobe Research AI / ML Research Intern  |  AI Experiences Lab San Jose, CA • Summer 2024 Advisor: Shunan Guo
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory AI / ML Research Intern  |  Human-Interfaces Group Pasadena, CA • Summer 2023 Advisor: Scott Davidoff
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory CS Research Intern  |  Data to Discovery Pasadena, CA • Summer 2021 Advisor: Scott Davidoff
New York Life Insurance Company Machine Learning / DevOps (MLOps) Intern  |  Center for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (CDSAi) New York, NY • Summer 2020 Supervisor: Paul Janis
New York Life Insurance Company Data / Platform Engineering Intern  |  Center for Data Science and Analytics (CDSA) New York, NY • Summer 2019 Supervisor: Paul Janis


Ph.D. in Human-Centered Computing Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA • Aug 2020 - Present Dissertation: Visual Analytics for Trustworthy Large Language Models in Education Advisor: Alex Endert GPA: 4.00 / 4.00
B.S. in Physics Stevens Institute of Technology Hoboken, NJ • Aug 2016 - Aug 2020 Minors: Computer Science, Mathematics Pinnacle Scholars Program GPA: 3.98 / 4.00

Awards and Honors

College of Computing (CoC) Poster Award Georgia Institute of Technology Awarded to KnowledgeVIS poster; recieved at CRIDC Poster Competition
Executive Vice President for Research (EVPR) Poster Award Georgia Institute of Technology Awarded to Lumos poster; recieved at CRIDC Poster Competition
President's Fellowship Georgia Institute of Technology Selected upon admission from top 10% of applicant pool; four-year semesterly stipend award.
Alfred M. Mayer Prize Stevens Institute of Technology Cash prize awarded to senior ranked first in all physics courses taken during undergraduate career.
Sigma Pi Sigma Physics Honor Society American Institute of Physics Inducted as a Lifetime Member.
Distinguished Teaching Assistant Award Stevens Institute of Technology Awarded to student faculty member that students benefit from the most and learn from both inside and outside of the classroom.
Presidential Scholarship Stevens Institute of Technology Selected for academic excellence; four-year, half-tuition award.


2023 Jun Apr
Presented my work at the Spring GVU Research Showcase
Feb 2022 Nov Oct
Attended IEEE VIS 2022 in-person in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA
Apr 2021 Jul
Left, Right, and Gender and Lumos accepted to IEEE VIS 2021
Jun Feb
Lumos recieved EVPR award at CRIDC Poster Competition
2020 Oct
Bias-Aware Visual Analytics presented at TREX workshop, IEEE VIS 2020
Aug Jun

Other (Cool) Projects

The impact of transitivity, similarity and implicit bias on trust in AI. CS 6795 Introduction to Cognitive Science Paper   Video   Data
Ethnographic study investigating health and wellness priorities for nurses. CS 6454 Qualitative Methods for Design of Human Computer Interaction Video   Slides
Conversational VUI Web-based conversational voice user interface (VUI). CS 6456 Principles of User Interface Software Live demo   Paper   Slides   Code
Paintings By Comparison Interactive visualization of painting data from WikiData. CS 7450 Information Visualization Live demo   Video   Code